Monday, July 21, 2014

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Laying of the foundation

Laying of the foundation 

Today, we took a bus over to the worksite, met a guy named Phil that we instantly got attached to, and began working on the house. What we immediately noticed, was how little the family had. It was a whole different world. The family was so welcome to us. They gave us gifts such as Pepsi, when what they had was very little and few. The work was challenging, but we all were more than up to it. Today, we nailed nails, operated a chop saw, swung a pick axe, dug multiple holes, and then mixed and spread our very own cement. We worked hard all day. Towards the end of the day we found out that the kids were really good at American football, as well as soccer! All in all, it was a very rewarding day that we shall always remember. 


The foundation

The first task 

Pick axe!

We're so happy to give this home to Gloria and her family!

Chop saw!

Lots of shoveling 

The finished product, and Gloria, the mother of the family

The family 


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