Sunday, July 27, 2014

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The Dedication


July 24, 2014, Day 4

As we stood  on the cement porch with our Guatemalan family, we took a look at our finished casa. As we readied and practiced some Spanish terms, we couldn't help but think about the journey that has brought us to this moment. Starting from a dirt surface, our work has brought together a wooden framed house that will keep this family of 8, Gloria and Francisco and their four girls along with Francisco's parents, safe and secure.

As we put the finishing touches on today, we spent much time with the family. We quickly found that Duck Duck Goose, Ring around the Rosie, and Oboe shenaughten Taughten are indeed universal games. Throughout the day, many gifts were exchanged between the family and our group. On our part, we signed a Bible, a cross for the home, many toys, shoes, coloring books and dolls. Some of us were moved to share our shoes and other belongings that the family may have needed. 

At the end of the day, we knew we had received far more gifts than we could have ever given to Gloria and her family. Just having the opportunity to feel their love and connect with this family made the trip so worthwhile. Up until today, we had brought our own lunch from the casa, but today was different. Gloria and her family worked hard all day to  make us a lunch worthy of a large wedding in Guatemala. The cost of the meal she prepared would have provided her family food for a week. This was the one way that the family knew they could demonstrate their thanks for our work. The meal filled not only our stomachs but also our hearts. The meal consisted of corn meal and spices with a grilled chicken leg or breast in the middle, all poured into an adobe clay bowl. We can't forget to mention the homemade tortillas on the side! 

Once the final nails were pounded and last touches put on the home, we carried in two beds we had purchased as a surprise for her family. Up until now, they have been sleeping on the dirt floor of their makeshift home. Finally, we were ready!

The dedication was very special. Along with much prayer and singing, we presented the family with a Bible that each had signed in Spanish along with a Cross. Then Gloria and her husband Francisco each received llaves "keys" to their new home. Such a sense of pride and thanksgiving crossed their faces as we all cried. Finally, Alec and Francisco each  pounded one last nail to secure a "Casas por Cristo" sign to the front door frame. It was done, and all of our hearts were filled with gratitude and peace. What a gift. 

Post written by Ginny and the Normandale youth blog team for Day 4.


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